Show of hands: Who has an online store or personal website with an integrated blog? If so, how many topics do you cover? Three? Four? Well if that’s the case, you’re going to really like what we’re about to show you…
This week’s featured site is The Starboard Tack, and it will highlight all sorts of interesting content for sailing enthusiasts. Mary Lou Scott came to us wanting a cleaner, more presentable way to express her love for sailing via the web. She has a story to tell, and wanted to be able to have a space in which to tell it. We built out a mobile responsive site that did just that, and which utilizes a multi-category feed from her blog on the home page. This allows our client to easily segment her posts by topic of interest, while providing a very intuitive experience for her visitors. She has four separate blogs on her site, which are all posted under specific categories.
We’re happy to take part in Mary’s lifelong connection to the sport and the sea, and hope that countless other enthusiasts worldwide find her site interesting and insightful resource.