For any business that sells the promise of beauty, having a website that looks prehistoric, unpolished, or poorly designed is a no-no.
Squarespace and Duda to the rescue! The beauty inherent in each and every Squarespace and Duda template offer a solid foundation upon which hair salons, day spas, nail salons, cosmetic dermatology practices, and other beauty industry businesses can shine. Whether designed with carefully selected stock images or photography taken on location, a Squarespace or Duda website for the beauty and cosmetic services field can be not only incredibly beautiful, but also exceptionally effective from a business management standpoint.
While business owners often use Squarespace and Duda forms to gather inquiries, as well as the Squarespace and Duda commerce tools to accept payment for products and services, many also find third-party scheduling software integrations super handy. A hair or nail salon, for example, might integrate a scheduling software such as Calendly, Acquity, or Vcita to schedule appointments. The site then doubles as a marketing tool and a business operations tool—a win-win!
Take a peek below at some of our clients in the beauty and cosmetic field.
Interested in having us build a Duda website for your beauty business?
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