When a company is marketing a specific product or service, they don’t always want a complex multi-page website. There are times when a parallax one-page website with a variety of content areas fits the bill perfectly: With Lur Media, that was exactly the case.
The strategic marketing firm approached Fix8 Media’s experienced team of Squarespace designers and developers in Longmont, Colorado, looking for a simple yet sophisticated website to promote its offering. The company supplies charging stations to various types of businesses. In exchange for the convenience of charging their phones while dining, shopping, etc., consumers agree to receive various forms of advertising from sponsors. Lur Media wanted to convey this modern marketing service to potential customers on its new Squarespace website.
Fix8 Media delivered an on-brand parallax website in the Squarespace Mojave template. Using the company’s graphic elements and client testimonials, Fix8 Media website designers built a dramatic black and red scrolling page with information about Lur and its offerings. Customized map, counter, and fixed navigation features put a personal touch on the Squarespace website, while a traditional Squarespace form to collect inquiries anchors the page.
In all, this compact site packs a big punch—delivering all the information a potential client needs in an eye-catching parallax presentation.
Plugged in,
Fix8 Media